Public Policies and Positions

Our positions reflect the way we conduct our business and provide the foundation for our public policy and advocacy efforts globally. To learn more, select a specific topic below: 

  As an industry leader, we place a high value on integrity and ethical conduct.  

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As an industry leader, we place a high value on integrity and ethical conduct.

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We prioritize animal welfare in product testing while ensuring safety and regulatory compliance.

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Through our global corporate citizenship program, Advancing Good, we invest in charitable organizations supporting three key focus areas.

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Our Climate Advocacy Report details our global climate policy positions, principles and trade association alignment.

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We are dedicated to conducting business ethically and responsibly and to complying with applicable laws and regulations.  

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We ensure that certain third parties acting on behalf of LYB will conduct business ethically.  

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We comply with conflict minerals laws and regulations, and our policy outlines our approach to sourcing responsibly.

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We uphold a privacy program based on a Data Privacy and Personal Protection Policy that aligns with personal data protection laws globally.  

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We are committed to increasing diversity and fostering an inclusive work environment that supports our global workforce and the communities we serve. 

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Our approach to environmental justice is grounded in our purpose, values and commitments, as well as our HSE&S Policy and Human Rights Policy.  

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We are committed to integrity and good business practices.

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We strive to conduct our business in a manner that protects the environment and provides for the safety and health of employees, contractors, customers and the public.  

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We are committed to respecting human rights throughout our global operations. Our policy establishes our minimum standards for fundamental aspects of human and labor rights.  

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We are committed to promoting a comprehensive approach to chemicals management and sustainability in all aspects of our products’ life cycles.

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Our positions reflect the way we conduct our business and provide the foundation for our public policy and advocacy efforts globally.

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Our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines our health, safety, environmental, social, governance and ethical expectations for those with whom we do business.  

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We recognize the economic importance of taxes to our communities and are committed to fulfilling our corporate obligations to the communities in which we operate.

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We support governments’ ambition to eliminate additional plastic pollution by 2040 through a circular economy focused on sustainable reuse and recycling.

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An important part of our approach to meeting our GHG emissions reduction targets includes employing CCS to reduce emissions from hard-to-abate manufacturing operations.

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LYB supports EPR programs as an effective mechanism to help eliminate plastic pollution, advance a circular economy for plastics , and reach our circularity goals.

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LYB is currently working to develop several sources through which we can secure hydrogen volumes to use as a substitute for fossil fuels or feedstocks in our manufacturing facilities.  

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LYB will pursue electrification sourced from low- or zero-carbon electricity sources as one of the key levers to reduce scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions in our global operations.  

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LYB supports the following science-based public policies and legislative solutions to help drive the transition to plastic circularity.

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Policy and legislation supporting both mechanical and advanced recycling has an important role to play in ensuring the successful advancement of a circular economy. 

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